Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Ch. 12-Services and Nonprofit Organization Marketing

                When it comes to the actual sales of BMW, services is essentially the primary factor of closing the deal, even though the car may look presentable it still needs the service of a salesman or BMW specialist to inform and emphasize the unique style and functions of a BMW for the buyer. One of the reasons BMW has been successful over the years is because they’ve mastered relationship marketing in services and internal marketing in services. As an entry level or level 1 BMW customer BMW waives the first 3 payments to show appreciation for choosing their products. When you become a level 2 customer, BMW makes you a part of their “ My BMW “ group and you are not only able to create your own BMW from the base model but on top of the first 3 payments being waived you will also get 1,000$ rebate at signing. At the top of the list are their level three customers who doesn’t only receive the benefits of a level 1 and level 2 customer but they also receive rate reductions, security deposit wavier and have the option to cancel their lease early and  BMW will make your last few payments. BMW also will be able to waive or reduce over mileage charges and wear & tear fees. However the customers aren’t the only people receiving these incentives from BMW, the employees receive benefits as well such as receiving the first chance at any new BMW product for the lowest price on top of receiving their standard discount. Also BMW has a great benefit plan that provides Pension, Career development such as constant meetings with BMW counselors to create a paradigm for your career and the road you want to go, Support with child care and care of dependents, Health and fitness provisions, Leisure activities. Such as having friends and family of employees attending these fun filled venues payed for by BMW and Temporary foreign assignments.