Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Ch. 18- Social Media and Marketing

                 In this day in age social media is a part of your everyday life, if you don’t have at least one type of social media such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram you are completely living under a rock and most likely doesn’t have a clue of what is going on in today’s society. Social media has become such a popularity in everyday lifestyle that for most people it is mandatory to either post or check news feed online every day, In fact as of today Facebook alone has over 1 billion users and Instagram has over 100 Million users itself. So in other words if you wanted to have a successful impact on your customer’s life or the market you would make a social media page and that is exactly what BMW has done. They made a Facebook page where millions of people can view everything they post such as new products with their release dates and intriguing videos of the capabilities each product. They even randomly post prototypes and ideas to determine whether or not to launch or cancel the item based on the feed they receive from customers and potential customers. BMW is exposing and enhancing their product to max with social media by averaging tens and sometimes hundreds of thousands in likes and comments each post, which gives them a chance to listen and understand their customers’ true opinion which is extremely important; BMW even launched a program called “My BMW’ which is the process of building your dream car by letting customers choose their own combination of BMW products. Evidently it looks like BMW and their customers have created a relationship through the power of social media.

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