Thursday, April 14, 2016

Ch. 15- Marketing Communications

                The overall goal for BMW is to be the world’s leading provider for quality vehicles while maintaining their luxurious and unique features, BMW has executed their goals by enforcing both AIDA and the promotional mix
                BMW gets its attention behind the tremendous beauty of the car itself, with its overall design everything from the wheel base to the door handle each part of the car is perfectly aligned with the other and its dynamic trim is pure beauty to the eye, in fact BMW is known for having the perfect harmony between technology and aesthetics.
                BMW intrigues their target audience constantly with the technological features of the car, for example BMW is the only car company that has H.U.D (Head up Display) which is an anti-distracting navigation projection on your wind shield, also it hand gesture control was rated number one best technological feature. Other intriguing features is the outstanding levels of being comfortable while driving and be driven in one, the engine power and handling of the vehicle
                Over the years BMW has built this luxurious brand status and associated itself with an upper scale social class, therefore people may desire the car because of its features and capabilities, but they desire the title that comes with is by using BMW vehicles as a statement to display high income or being financially well off because the typical person who has a BMW is one of the two if not both.
After being impressed with the features, capabilities and the social platform of BMW vehicles 9 out of 10 consumers take action to purchase a BMW or to prepare for purchasing a BMW even if they cannot afford one

Social Media
                BMW has a tremendous amount of following on Facebook, at 13.4 million followers which they provide with daily pictures, updates and videos of their cars and receiving feedback, allows BMW to stay relevant in the industry and to their target market.
Personal Selling
Most of the selling is done through the ideal image BMW has presented in advertising and brand recognition, therefore the only personal selling that has to be done is letting the consumer touch and test drive the car to experience what the hype is about.

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