Thursday, April 7, 2016

Ch.10 Product Concepts

Product concept is an important factor for BMW because cars are not one of the necessities in life especially if you live in a major city with 24hour transportation, even if you don’t live in a city with 24hour transportation a BMW is still not a necessity because essentially the purpose of cars is to get a person from point a to point b, all of its features is just extra.  However BMW has mastered their product concept because they have persuaded people to believe BMW is like no other. BMW has a tremendous effect on consumers purchasing decision with their tangible and intangible features.
One of the most favored tangible features is the engine, before BMW made cars they were a manufacturing company for aircrafts, so just imagine the power of a car engine that was based off an air craft, in fact the M5 model can kick out a stunning 600 horsepower from a twin-turbo 4.4-liter V8 engine, and go from 0-60 mph in a mind-blowing 3.7 seconds, now that’s power. Other tangible features such as the style, color and features of a BMW vary to almost every liking and constantly update which is a good practice of planned obsolescence that will keep consumers on their toes for the next big thing. However I am intrigued by the primary intangible feature of its social class, social class has a major impact in the world today, so much that people would do almost anything to “prove their status”. Such as taking loans from the bank with high interest rates just to get the new beamer.

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